Meet your practitioners

Britt Reed

Hey, Iā€™m Britt (she/her). I am a licensed Esthetician 

It is my passion for caretaking, protecting animals, and being an eco-conscious consumer, that lead me into the holistic skincare profession. I am really excited to be offering  skin barrier supportive facials, using vegan friendly, professional products and services. 

I  am proud of my intersecting identities as a black/multiracial, queer, and neuro- spicy human! I look forward to prioritizing routines that center accessibility to the beautiful neuro-diverse community, and provide a safe space to  help folks  find moments of rest and relaxation. My goal is for clients to  feel empowered in creating daily rituals of care for themselves.

My goals for continued education & additional services: Training in corneotherapy (skin barrier safe practices), reiki attunement, workshops that focus on Top Surgery & Facial Feminization Surgery Post-Op treatments, and more!

More credentials: I am a Professional Makeup and Practical Special Effects Artist. I began this journey in 2015 at The Multimedia Makeup Academy (MMA), where I became certified in beauty, sfx, proper sanitation, and more. After working in the industry for 6 years as a freelance makeup Artist, I went back to the Academy, and later received my Estheticians license and certification in classic lash extensions.

Jules Goings

Hello *waves and smiles* My name is Jules (they/them). I am a Somatic Body-Worker and certified Reiki Level II energy work Practitioner through the Liberation Reiki(tm) lineage. Growing up, I realized very early-on that I am an extra sensitive human. Learning to channel my sensory gifts has perpetually nudged me towards paths centering my desire to help people, animals and plants to feel supported and empowered. 

I am enchanted by and draw a lot of inspiration from the web-like sensory structures that can be found throughout the natural universe: The mycelial networks that are communication super-highways for the forests; the neural networks that innervate our bodies. We exist within a dynamic tapestry of connectivity, which is adaptive, responsive, intelligent, and alive. 

As a part of offering support in understanding the self more intimately through body, energy, and cosmic work, I am also a practicing astrologer. Exploring natal charts and current transits can provide insights into one's unique soul-blueprint. Astrology is another gateway into the very subtle and sensitive awareness that innately and intuitively belongs to each and every one of us. 

I am very interested in deeper understandings of our more intimate natures, how our bodies interact with and respond to frequencies. I'm enthralled by adaptivity and the changes that are possible through tapping-into the complex networks that we are intrinsically woven into. 

The values that are foundational to Wellness Rituals are also intrinsic to the ways in which I want to approach individual sessions. I am deeply committed to continued education and participation in unpacking how traumatic imprints of navigating a sick society wreaks havoc on the mind, body, and spirit. In order for any lifeform to thrive, the direct conditions which impact them need to foster compassionate care, growth, interconnection, and provide life-sustaining and affirming resources.

We cannot talk about thriving without naming the oppressive systems, dominance culture, institutions, and ideologies that perpetuate harm, create barriers to care, and seek to put the responsibility of wellness on the individual, without holding the systems that perpetuate harm accountable. 

My practice centers a decolonized approach to body-wellness, with a focus on social and climate justice, bodily autonomy, and pleasure as a means to reorganize neural feedback loops away from hypervigilance and distress, and towards sensory inputs that promote safety and engage the parasympathetic nervous system/relaxation response. 

My goal is to provide supportive care, useful resources, and rituals of renewal so that my clients can continue to show-up for themselves and share generative and liberatory care practices with their extended networks in ways that promote wellness.